Let’s take your team to the next level

SEO Training for Teams

I’ll come to your company and train your team on SEO – whether it’s how to write SEO-friendly content, how to approach an SEO strategy, or how to use AI to be more efficient.

They say “knowledge is power.”

And when it comes to SEO, knowledge can save you a lot of time and stress.

The problem with SEO is that it’s not really taught anywhere.

You can go to university to learn languages, marketing concepts, journalism, or how to code and design websites.

But SEO is still just a small part of marketing studies – if it’s mentioned at all, it’s usually as a side note when talking about Google Ads.

So, let’s be honest, you won’t learn SEO in university.

The second option is online resources.

There are many, and a lot of them are free because we SEOs love to write and rank for Google.

The problem: our SEO articles often take 4 hours to read.

The bigger issue: SEO is highly dependent on your niche, so what works for one person may not apply to you – much of the info is too general.

Plus, when you get something for free, it’s easy to forget about it and not stay motivated to actually use it.

Then there are online courses – “on-demand” as they’re called today.

Every company I’ve worked with had plenty of these, and they were high quality.

But nobody had time in their busy workday to sit down and regularly go through the courses – except when they were new and had nothing else to do.

You could introduce a system where everyone does 1 or 2 hours of training every Friday. I heard of an agency that tried this. It might help.

Or you could bring someone in.

Block everyone’s calendars for half a day.

No emails, no calls, no distractions.

And during this half-day, we’ll have a real SEO training session.

Not covering everything – no one can learn SEO in a morning, let’s be honest.

Otherwise, one university lecture would be enough.

But we’ll focus on one important topic for your team.

SEO Training for Teams

Equip your team with more knowledge.

What topics could this SEO training cover?

  • “How to write SEO-optimized content” so your writers know exactly what to consider and how to incorporate keywords.
  • “SEO strategy and keyword research” so your marketing team works strategically, understanding how keywords work.
  • “ChatGPT in daily work” to help your team optimize processes and work more efficiently with AI. It doesn’t have to be SEO-related – we can discuss what your team does every day and tailor examples to their tasks.
  • “From SEO checklists to analysis” so your marketing team understands those SEO checklists and can figure out what’s really worth the time and effort.
  • “SEO basics” – a training session where we explain everything from how Google finds websites, to ranking factors, and how SEO actually works.

These are just a few ideas off the top of my head. If you have something specific in mind, we can discuss it. We’ll also talk about your team’s weak points, and I’ll figure out what’s needed.

SEO Training for Teams

Equip your team with more knowledge.