Bring an SEO expert into your company

Monthly SEO Consulting

Let’s work together on improving your Google rankings with ongoing support.

Price: from 2,000 CHF/month

Rome wasn’t built in a day.

And SEO isn’t something you just do on a Friday because there’s nothing better to do.

Search engine optimization (SEO) first needs a strategy.

Then a plan.

And that plan needs to be carried out.

And monitored – to see if your investment is paying off.

Sometimes the plan, or even the strategy, needs to be adjusted.

Because search is very dynamic. The whole market is dynamic.

And a few times a year, Google changes things again, and you need to keep an eye on that too.

To do it right and get the rewards, you have two options:

  1. You hire someone who can focus 100% on SEO. Ideally, someone with real SEO experience, because otherwise, they’ll just follow checklists and forget about the strategy and plan.
  2. You get an external SEO consultant – for example, since you’re here, me.

Since I’m an SEO consultant and don’t want to deal with HR, we’re talking about option 2 here.

Monthly SEO Consulting

from 2000 CHF/month

Fill out the form now, and let’s discuss your project in an initial meeting.

After that, you’ll get a personalized offer.

What is ongoing SEO support?

It’s pretty simple – we agree to work together to improve your website’s Google ranking.

To do that, we’ll work on a monthly basis.

This means you pay me monthly, and I’ll continuously work on making your website better and reaching more customers.

This includes things like:

  • Regular reports, so you know what you’re getting out of it.
  • Expert advice, like when Swisscom offers you their “Local SEO Package” that sounds great but is actually nonsense.
  • A strategy that gets updated and improved whenever we have new information.
  • Someone to keep you accountable if you’re tempted to delay that website update for another month.
  • Direct contact with an SEO consultant who keeps up to date with the latest changes from Google and knows what’s happening with your website.

I can’t tell you exactly what SEO tasks we’ll do, or who will write the content or make changes to the website right now – that depends on the project.

That’s why we need to talk and discuss how we’ll work together.

Monthly SEO Consulting

from 2000 CHF/month

Fill out the form now, and let’s discuss your project in an initial meeting.

After that, you’ll get a personalized offer.

What’s important to me

I really enjoy my job. For me, it’s like a game where I try to push the website to the top and beat all the competitors.

But because of that, I also want us to actually get things done and make them go live online.

It’s not enough for me if you just send me money every month, we have some “biweekly” meetings that nobody really needs, I do the occasional audit, and the summary is: nothing ever gets implemented.

I’ll also be upfront with you if I don’t think SEO is the right fit for your platform. There’s no point if you go out of business before we see results, or if we work together for months and you’re not really getting any value out of it.

That’s why we have the initial meeting – to see if the motivation, budget, and possibilities all line up.

You can request here so we can discuss everything:

Monthly SEO Consulting

from 2000 CHF/month

Fill out the form now, and let’s discuss your project in an initial meeting.

After that, you’ll get a personalized offer.

Frequently Asked Questions about Ongoing SEO Consultancy

How much does ongoing SEO support cost?

My ongoing SEO support starts at 2000 CHF per month. Over time, I’ve realized that anything below this amount doesn’t make sense. It simply doesn’t get results.

However, this is just the minimum. Depending on what we want to achieve and the timeframe, the monthly budget can be higher. I’ll give you three options in a personalized offer for you to choose from.

Why does it start at 2000 CHF?

With the monthly SEO Consultancy, we’ll have regular discussions, I’ll monitor and analyse your SEO rankings, and we’ll work on optimizing your website. My experience has shown that doing this with less than 2000 CHF a month just isn’t possible. That’s why I’ve set this lower limit – I don’t want to work with you if you don’t have the budget to truly invest in SEO, as we won’t be able to make real progress.

How long is the partnership?

We start with a 12-month partnership. During this time, we’ll optimize your website and improve your rankings. SEO doesn’t work overnight, just like you can’t become a YouTube star overnight – it takes a lot of work to climb to the top. That’s why SEO requires a longer-term commitment.

What do we do in ongoing SEO support?

The SEO support is tailored to your business goals. So, I can’t tell you exactly what’s best for you until we’ve talked.

Generally, over several months, we’ll cover things like:

SEO StrategyWe start with a strategy. This includes keyword research* and an in-depth SEO analysis, which we’ll compile into an SEO roadmap.
SEO ReportingAn important part of ongoing SEO support is tracking the website’s performance. We’ll review this regularly to see how things are progressing.
SEO Consulting & AdviceI’ll be available for a certain number of hours each month for consulting and advice.
Implementation of the SEO StrategyWhether it’s pushing technical changes with your developers, writing SEO content, or making on-page changes, getting things live is key to seeing results. Implementing the strategy is a major part of our work.

*If you already have keyword research or an SEO analysis from me, we’ll use that as the foundation for our strategy.

How long does it take to see results?

With SEO, it generally takes 6–12 months to see results. This depends on factors like how old your website is, how much SEO work has been done before, and how much we need to convince Google to rank your site higher.

In the first few months, we often need to work on things that don’t immediately go live. For example, an SEO strategy won’t get you to page 1 by itself – things start happening once we begin implementing it.

That’s why we work together for 12 months. We don’t just stop at analysis, but also take action and celebrate the successes together.

Are you like an employee on my team?

Not exactly. I’ll integrate with your team and work with whoever is necessary. But you won’t get timesheets or anything like that from me. I also choose where and how I work.

On the flip side, you don’t need to pay for my sick leave, accident insurance, or invite me to team events – and I cover my own professional development costs.

In my unasked opinion, that’s a win-win situation.