My Contribution to the SEO Community

On this page, you will find everything where I have been involved or featured in some way. This includes, for example, interesting articles that I have written for other blogs, as well as talks and presentations that I have given.


You can find all of my Talks on this dedicated site: See me on stage


Search Summit Barcelona 2024


BrightonSEO October 2024

I am proud to be speaking this October at BrightonSEO. It will be my first big speaking opportunity, and I am really looking forward to talk about Topical Authority.

My Speaker Profile:

Details about my talk

SEONerd Switzerland Meetup Zürich

On the 5th of march, I have been talking at the SEONerd Switzerland. I told the story about my travel blog, where I gained topical authority long before I even knew what that means.

Unfortunately it wasn’t allowed to film the event, but stay tuned, I for sure will do the talk in a different event as well.

WordPress Meetup Zurich November (DE)

In November, I spoke at the WordPress Meetup in Zurich about SEO errors in online shops. You can find the presentation slides here, and the entire session was recorded and posted on YouTube. The Talk was in German!


Sabandijers FM Podcast (ES)

In March, I have been invited to my first podcast in Spanish. So if you speak Spanish, don’t miss this one.

Watch it on YouTube.

SEOs getting Coffee

In this podcast from Vixen Digital we talk about Topical Authority, you shouldn’t miss it.

Watch it on YouTube.


MOZ Blog

In December, my first article was published on the MOZ Blog. It was a case study about my own travel blog, which I turned into a topical authority for Interrail travel.

You can read the article here:

WTS Interview

You can read my interview with Women in Tech SEO now. You will find out how I got into SEO, what Tools I love using, and my tip for everyone starting out with SEO.

Find the Interview here:

Vixen Digital Blog post

Vixen Digital also wrote a Blog post to your Chat on the SEOs getting Coffee Podcast. So if you prefer reading, you shouldn’t miss this Post.

Find it here:

How to Design Website Navigation: Balancing SEO, UX, and Client Needs (Sitbulb Blog)

I wrote an article for Sitebulb about how best design the website navigation to make everyone happy: the client, the UX designer and me, the SEO consultant.

Read it here:

Topical Authority: A Step-by-Step Guide to Make Search Engines Love You (Rivalflow Blog)

I had the opportunity to write an article for Rivalflow on my favorite topic: Topical Authority. This time, it was about how you can achieve Topical Authority.

You can read it here:


SEOFOMO – Oct 29 🎃 SEO Trick or Treat in “SEOs & Digital Marketers to Follow”

After Meeting Aleyda at the Search Central Live in Zürich,

niche surfer – Wave Issue 166 with a mention of my MOZ Article

WTS Newsletter, as I am an active member of this community I get mentioned some times with my articles or some other news.


I am also part of some communities around SEO

Women in Tech SEO – Global Community

WordPress Zurich Community

SEOnerdSwitzerland Community